Signed, Sealed, Delivered: $46,000 of Student Debt Forgiven!

👋 Hello all!

It’s been quiet.

A little too quiet. 😅

… but guess what?

🎉 WE DID IT! 🎉

The contracts are signed, the deal is done, and we have officially bought and forgiven our first student loan!

Dearest friends, we canceled $46,000 worth of student debt for less than ten cents on the dollar!

In a few days, I’m taking a road trip to visit the lucky recipient of the Society’s generosity. I can’t wait to share that adventure with you!

Thank you all for making this possible, especially those who have pitched in and helped with thoughtful advice, friendly introductions, and creative contributions. Many of you know the last several months have been a real rollercoaster for me, personally and professionally — thank you for the encouragement, patience, and virtual high-fives. They mean the world to me. 🙏

None of this would be possible without your donations. If you’re feeling the love and want to spread the joy of debt relief, please donate toward our next round of loan cancelation projects! With your help, we’ll keep the good times going …

👉 Donate Today! 👈

In Other Awesome News …

Heck yeah! Debt Collective is joining the student loan game with a bang! I love to see it … the more, the merrier! ❤️

Alright, that’s it for now. I hope y’all are doing well. The next newsletter is going to be a fun one!