Prepare For Takeoff 🚀

The Dead Ledger Letter #3

👋 Hello all!

No video this week; it’s been a mad one with work and summer activities and this beautiful mess of a project. I’m writing this from a bunk in a cabin on the side of a mountain in the middle of the night, so I gotta keep this short and sweet!

We accomplished a lot this week — we found debt buyers, lawyers specializing in consumer debt, applicants for The Benjamin Test, a crew of lovely people showed up for our first work party, and …

We found a loan.

It’s a good one. It’s current, in budget, and we’ll forgive more than TEN TIMES what we pay for it. SO GOOD! 🔥

Next week is all about due diligence and threading the legal needle for communication with the debtor. When that settles … we get to forgive our first student loan in its entirety.

In the meantime, the rad Society members on our community server are collaborating on projects to make this a memorable event: a beautifully quirky congratulations letter; custom challenge coins and Society swag; a mini documentary and promotional videos — did I mention a cinematographer found us?

If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, join the Discord server. It’s 100% free!

My heart bursts with gratitude for all of the wonderful people who are showing up to support this weird little experiment in kindness and forgiveness.

Thank you. ❤️

Please share this with your friends and family, and as always — hit me up with questions, concerns, and thoughtful feedback. ✌️